Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024 à Bordeaux Métropole Bordeaux Métropole

“Reflecting the Games” course

“The active design circuit from Bordeaux Métropole”
Adapt, discover, create your own sporting journey!

Reflet des Jeux 24 juillet au 12 septembre 2024

To bring the 2024 Paris Olympics to life in our local area, Bordeaux Métropole wished to celebrate this event by offering an innovative and impactful solution: active design!

But what is active design?

Most people know the concept, even if they don’t know what it’s called.

Active design comes from North America and involves designing public space to encourage physical or sporting activity, in an open, spontaneous way, and above all, for everyone!

Bordeaux Métropole wanted to take this concept further, creating an artistic connection with the Olympic Games and the city of Bordeaux’s heritage. This urban circuit has been named “Reflecting the Games”. Our goal was to reach everyone in the local area from 24 July to 12 September: city residents, supporters and tourists.

And where can we enjoy it?

It was a natural choice to place Bordeaux Métropole’s active design circuit on the Bordeaux quayside, from the Maison Ecocitoyenne to the Placette de Munich, including the Miroir d’Eau. It’s both a place where many athletes meet and spend time together (joggers, cyclists, skaters, rollerbladers, etc.) and a unmissable spot for international tourists and supporters. Our objective is to immerse all these groups in the atmosphere of the Olympics by reappropriating the space on the quays.

When can I come to discover it?

The very essence of active design resides in its open use. All activities are available to as many people as possible, whether autonomously or under supervision, with no restrictions around signing up, physical condition, gender or time window. The space will be fully accessible from 24 July. This is when the Olympic Games begin in our region, with a first match of men’s football at the Bordeaux Stadium that same day.

Plan Design Actif

Are special events planned?

Yes! To further encourage people to participate and discover sport, Bordeaux Métropole has created a programme of events and initiations over 12 days between 24 July and 11 August. Below, you will find the entire programme, including the times and the sports on offer.

 10am to 1pm4pm to 7pm
Mer. 24 Juil.Basket Baskin/ Basket fauteuilBasket Baskin/ Basket fauteuil
Jeu. 25 Juil.FootCécifoot/ GoalballFootCécifoot/ Goalball
Sam. 27 Juil.BocciaDisc GolfBocciaDisc Golf
Dim. 28 Juil.VolleyballVolley AssisVolleyBallVolley Assis
Mar. 30 Juil.Tennis de table Badminton/ Bad fauteuilTennis de tableBadminton / Bad fauteuil
Mer. 31 Juil.Biathlon & Tir LaserBiathlon & Tir LaserBiathlon & Tir LaserBiathlon & Tir Laser
Ven. 2 août.Basket Baskin/ Basket fauteuilBasket Baskin/ basket fauteuil
Sam. 3 août.FootCécifoot/ GoalballFootCécifoot/ Goalball
Dim. 4 août.BocciaDisc GolfBocciaDisc Golf
Mer. 7 août.VolleyballVolley AssisVolleyballVolley Assis
Sam. 10 août.Tennis de tableBadminton/ Bad fauteuilTennis de tableBadminton/ Bad fauteuil
Dim. 11 août.Biathlon & Tir LaserBiathlon & Tir LaserBiathlon & Tir LaserBiathlon & Tir Laser
Times may be adapted according to the weather (high temperatures, storm or rain).

Do I have to sign up to attend the events?

No! The events and demonstrations are free to access. Bordeaux Métropole has intentionally chosen relatively long time windows (10 am – 1 pm / 4 pm – 7 pm), mixing weekdays and weekends, so that as many people as possible can attend. They will be led by sporting professionals.

Are the events suitable for kids or people with disabilities?

Yes! Bordeaux Métropole’s aim is above all to offer an inclusive project for all. With this in mind, most events on offer are suitable for people with disabilities or reduced mobility, from 7 years and up. We wanted not only to offer everyone the chance to practice various sports, but also to change visitors’ perspectives towards the Paralympics, which will take place from 28 August to 8 September. For this reason, most sports are offered in the “parasport” version as well. What a great way to learn more about sport for all, in a welcoming and friendly environment!